**I have not been able to find any documentation on this constraint, so this explanation is based purely on observation.**
This constraint is used for constraining an object or bone to the surface of a mesh object.
Options and Settings
OB: The target object to constrain to. Must be a mesh object.Dist: Determines the offset distance from the constrain point determined by Type.
Type: Determines how the data from the mesh is used for the constraint.
- Nearest Surface Point will try to keep the constrained bone or object in contact with the surface.
- Projection (X/Y/Z) will try to keep the constrained bone or object in contact with the surface for a specific axis.
- Nearest Vertex will snap the position of the constrained bone or object to the nearest vertex.
Show Shows the constraint in the IPO window.
Key Sets a keyframe on the current Influence of the constraint at the current frame.