The mask modifier is used to hide a selection of vertices while in object mode. Vertices can be easily hidden [h] and unhidden [alt+h] while in edit mode, but when you enter object mode again they will be visible. The mask can be very useful for things like weightpainting tight or occluded areas of the mesh (like the inside of the mouth) without fuss.
Header Options
Name Field The name given to the modifier node.[Scene] (button) Toggles the visibility (effect) of the modifier while rendering.
[Grid] (button) Toggles the visibility (effect) of the modifier in the 3D view.
Up/Down (button) Moves the modifier higher or lower in the modifier stack.
Modifier Options
Apply (button) Applies the effect of the modifier to the mesh data itself, removing the modifier.Copy (button) Duplicates the modifier.
Masking Mode (Rollout Menu)
- Vertex Group Uses the entered vertex group to determine the area of the mask.
- Selected Bone Designed with weight painting in mind, it uses the selected bone to determine which group to mask (since vertex groups have the same names as the bones).
Inverse (button) Inverts the mask based on the vertex selection.
More Resources:
Blender Wiki Page - Mask