The limit constraints have been grouped into one category because they all do essentially the same thing. For the limit distance constraint, see below.
The limit scale, rotation, and location constraints will limit the transforms of an object to within a given range. Note: IK solvers provide their own set of options for limiting the ranges of bones in an IK chain, which can be found in the bone options.
Options and Settings
min/max/limit X/Y/Z Buttons These must be activated for each value before the constraint will be active. These allow the limits to be applied to only specific channels.For Transform To understand what this does, open up the properties window in 3D view with "n". When enabled, the values in the properties window will not update past their limit. When disabled, the values will continue to change while the object itself will remain within the given limits.
CSpace Determines the coordinate system the constrained bones will be evaluated in.
- World Space means the coordinates will be relative to the world (the grid).
- Pose Space means the coordinates will be relative to the Armature Object orientations (as if the armature was a container full of bones).
- Local Space means the coordinates will be relative to the constrained objects/bones themselves.
- Local Space (With Parent) is the same as Local Space with the addition that the constraint will be evaluated if the control object's parent is transformed, because the controller's transforms are inherited from its parent.
Show Shows the constraint in the IPO window.
Key Sets a keyframe on the current Influence of the constraint at the current frame.
Limit Distance
The limit distance constraint is included here as well because, even though it is quite different in behaviour from the other 3, it does essentially the same thing. The difference is that it will limit the movement of a bone or object relative to the position of another bone or object.The result of the constraint is that the constrained bone will be either kept inside, outside, or on the surface of a spherical region (see below).
Options and Settings
OB: The Object to serve as the controller (when rigging, it is the name of the Armature Object which contains the controller bone).BO: The Bone to serve as the controller.
R Resets the distance value if the bone position is changed it edit mode.
Distance: The intial distance the object or bone is from the control object or bone. This value is provided automatically based on the intial distance between the two objects or bones, but can also be changed manually.
Head/Tail: Determines whether the head or tail of the control bone is used as the reference point. The constrained bone can refer to the head (0) or tail (1), or any value inbetween (giving access to the whole bone).
Clamp Region Determines the space the constrained bone is limited to (based on a sphere using the distance value).
- Surface means the constrained bone or object will be kept at the value of 'distance'. This produces the effect of being constrained to the 'surface' of a sphere.
- Outside means the constrained bone or object will be kept outside of the sphere determined by the 'distance' value.
- Inside means the constrained bone or object will be kept inside of the sphere determined by the 'distance' value.
Show Shows the constraint in the IPO window.
Key Sets a keyframe on the current Influence of the constraint at the current frame.